What Is A Mezzanine Floor And What Are The Benefits Of Mezzanine

Ever noticed an extra floor between the ceiling and the existing floor? Well, that additional or intermediate platform is known as a mezzanine floor. The term mezzanine originates from the Italian word mezzanino. The concept of partitioning an existing space and creating a platform was first used by Italians for royal palaces and noble architecture. 

This advantageous and interesting architectural idea travelled to various parts of the world from Italy and France. Even the United Kingdom has adopted this constructional concept to increase floor space vertically, in a cost-effective manner. There are several mezzanine floor suppliers in the UK, building sturdy rooms or decks for offices, warehouses, industries, commercial spaces, and residential spaces.

Features Of Mezzanine Floor

Constructing a warehouse mezzanine, an office mezzanine, or any other type of mezzanine requires certain guidelines to be followed. These features help ensure the robustness, functionality, and aesthetic of the mezzanine.

  • The mezzanine floor is constructed halfway from the wall, and the ceiling has to be twice the minimum height of the current floor. 
  • While determining the maximum floor space, the mezzanine is not counted. 
  • One-third of the floor space of the existing floor is assigned for the mezzanine. For installation and construction, the measurements determined by the International Building Code are used. 
  • For safety, barriers, gates, handrails, etc., are used to protect individuals working on the mezzanine floor, which is situated at a height. 

Uses Of Mezzanine Floors

With versatility being the greatest quality of mezzanine floors, it is used for various purposes around the UK. Here are some of the common uses of a mezzanine floor:

  • Storage
    Is your warehouse lacking space for storage? Then, a warehouse mezzanine can solve the problem. If you have a space with high ceilings, a mezzanine for storage can be built easily without burning a hole in your pocket.

  • Retail Spaces
    Retail owners, who want to showcase more products and boost sales, can benefit from mezzanine floors. With added floor space, you can improve customer service and save costs that would otherwise be used in traditional expansion methods.

  • Office Space
    Office mezzanines are widely seen in warehouses and commercial buildings, providing an area where the logistics and production can run simultaneously under one roof.

  • Residential Area
    The use of a mezzanine does not stop at commercials. People have incorporated mezzanines in their homes as well. For reasons like storage, beauty, and extra room, mezzanines have become a household favourite. All you need is adequate headroom and mezzanine floor suppliers UK like Commercial Mezzanine.

Benefits Of Mezzanine Floors

The mezzanine has become a blessing in disguise for humankind. Multiple uses and value-adding quality makes it a must-have for every space. Here are some advantages of mezzanine floors that make it even more enticing:

  • Plenty of Space
    For growing businesses or families, you need extra space. Mezzanines are the perfect solution for this problem. With so much space, you can easily support business expansion.
  • Money and Time Saver
    Mezzanines are easy constructions. It does not ask for heaps of time and money, which everyone lacks while thinking of taking their space to the next level. Hiring a professional mezzanine floor construction company like Commercial Mezzanine helps cut down on time and money effectively. 
  • Mezzanine Goes With The Owner
    Even with a rented space, the mezzanine remains yours. This change in the floor space will be beneficial for the landlord as well. Moreover, the mezzanine floor can be deconstructed easily, retaining the value of your workspace. 
  • Inventory Organisation and Productivity
    With mezzanine floors, you can put your organisational skills to use. Arrange and store your inventory on the mezzanine for your employees to find items when needed, saving productive time. Furthermore, the employees can get things done quickly, with fewer traffic jams and accidents. The productivity and efficiency of your employees will scale effectively. 
  • Customization and Modular Construction
    Different people have different choices. Fortunately, your choices are heard when it comes to building a mezzanine floor. You can customise the floor as per your operational requirement. Also, with mezzanines being modular, it provides you with the flexibility to execute changes whenever you like. 
  • Valuable Addition
    If you own a building, constructing mezzanines to increase floor space can be a great selling point. Tenants will never say no to extra space and would pay any price for it. It adds value to your building and attracts tenants. 

To sum it up, mezzanine floors are incredibly profitable in terms of time, money, and floor space. It is a spectacular way to take your business to the next level. In this journey of space expansion, Commercial Mezzanine-UK is ready to serve. We construct it all, from warehouse mezzanines to multi-tier mezzanines. Want a quick floor space transformation? Contact us today!